Lew Hicks

Thank you for your letter. I have been a SEAL for almost twenty years and really love what I do. Being a SEAL is a great life. I understand you wanting to be part of the best fighting team in the world. My recommendation to you is this. Your at an age were everything is changing around you good and bad. If you want to be a SEAL you have to have a sharp mind and strong body. If being a SEAL is your dream then stay away from drugs because they will still your mind and destroy the body you will need to become a SEAL. Study hard in school because BUD/S the SEAL training is very difficult academically also. Your wanting to be a SEAL at 13 is great, that's about the age I was. I was raised on the streets and had to get tough fast. That's not to say I chose a bad way of life, I took the good road, as you should. The good road doesn't mean to be weak. My manual and Video will show you that you can learn to be hard and a great fighter starting at your age. Good men need to be strong and be superior fighters to those that would want to harm what is important to you. SAFTA will provide you an avenue that will keep you and your friends off the street looking for those things that will ultimately harm you. Get a few of your buddies and start working out and you won't have to fear anyone in a very short period of time. What I don't want is you learning the ways of being a SEAL then harming innocent people. If that's your frame of mind you will never become a SEAL. You study hard in school, creating a strong and aggressive mind will be those tools that will help you reach your dream. You can write to us anytime and one of us will always try to get back to you as soon as we can.
Lew Hicks